Articles Tagged with Personal Injury Attorney

Last Saturday was busy. I had spent the week working on a particularly difficult case, so I admit I was exhausted to start with. The weekend brought the usual barrage of errands and soccer games, lost cleats and lack of parking, and I very soon found myself close to the end of my proverbial rope. Getting out of the car, I dropped my keys, wallet, water bottle, and extra shirt, causing me to let out a string of expletives usually reserved for private moments away from my kids. In the midst of the chaos, my young daughter came over and put her hand on my face. “It’s ok, Daddy. I’ll help.” And my world was right again.

For parents, children are literally the center of our universe. We exalt in their highs and sympathize with their lows. We beam with pride over their smallest accomplishments and spend sleepless nights worrying about their future. We attend their sporting events and school activities, and we work hard to make sure they are happy, healthy, and that they have the best lives possible.

Most importantly, we strive to protect them and to keep them safe.

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