
Common Causes of Construction Injuries and Accidents

As Florida continues to become the home of many new residents and businesses, new construction projects continue to appear all around us. Unfortunately, this increases the likelihood of construction accidents and injuries. 

While some injuries may seem minor, there are several common types of construction accidents that have been known to cause severe damage, which may require long-term medical care and rehabilitative treatments. Having a licensed attorney review your injury claim may be crucial when you decide to pursue the full amount of compensation to help with your recovery efforts. 

At the law office of Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers, our goal is to protect the rights of injured victims in the West Palm Beach area and beyond (by appointment only). We never settle for less as we strive to help our clients pursue the full and fair amount of compensation they deserve. 

If you were injured while working on a construction site or simply passing through as a pedestrian or driver, you could be eligible for financial compensation, depending on the details of your situation. Call our firm anytime, day or night, and schedule a no-cost, initial consultation. Our phone lines are open 24/7 and there is no obligation to have us represent your claim.

Read on to learn some of the more common causes for construction accidents and injuries our attorneys have worked with over the years. However, keep in mind that even though your type of accident or injury may not be listed below, this does not necessarily mean we cannot help you. Our firm handles accident injury cases of all types, including construction site accidents. 

What Causes Construction Accidents and Injuries?

While some construction accidents and injuries may seem unavoidable, most are usually due to negligence. Sometimes construction companies and workers may choose to cut corners and disregard safety standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). However, if it is found that your injury was the result of poor safety standards, you could hold the construction company liable for your damages, which may include medical costs, physical pain, psychological suffering, lost income from missing work, and other financial burdens related to your injury. 

Some of the more common causes of construction accidents and injuries are due to:

Contact With Moving or Falling Objects

Workers, drivers, and pedestrians are all at risk of sustaining a serious injury due to moving or falling objects in a construction zone area. Lack of proper training, defective/poorly maintained equipment, inadequate safety precautions, and other mistakes can all lead to serious injuries which may result in expensive medical treatments and lost wages from missing work. Injured victims have been known to be stuck, squeezed, and/or crushed by heavy machinery or other building materials. 

Oftentimes, multiple parties may share fault for a construction accident injury, which means you may need to file multiple injury claims to seek the proper amount of compensation for a full recovery. For example, if your injury was caused by defective construction equipment, you may need to file a claim against the construction company, as well as the manufacturer. Having a reliable attorney on your side can help you file the appropriate claims needed for your situation. 

Vehicle Crashes

Most construction projects require the use of heavy-duty motor vehicles such as dump trucks, bulldozers, cranes, and forklifts. When a worker lacks experience operating these vehicles or the vehicle is poorly maintained, the results could be disastrous. 

Although vehicle accidents may seem like a common occurrence, the damage from a heavy-duty construction vehicle can be much worse. Sometimes these vehicles may collide with oncoming traffic or pedestrians in the area, which can cause severe injuries such as whiplash, cuts and bruises, broken/fractured bones, concussions, spinal cord damage, disability, paralysis, and even death.

Slip and Fall Injuries

One of the more common causes for construction accidents is attributed to slips, trips, and falls on the worksite. Sometimes surfaces might not be ideal while a construction project is underway, which can cause dangerous slip and fall or trip and fall accidents. 

These accidents are usually caused by wet or slippery surfaces, uneven pavement, broken steps, loose handrails, and debris or other material on the floor. Victims of these types of accidents can suffer from a multitude of injuries, such as sprained or strained ligaments, broken or fractured bones, back and neck injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and other ailments that may require extensive care. Since most construction projects require workers to perform their duties at elevated levels, such as scaffolds and other dangerous work areas, the repercussions can sometimes be deadly.


There are several ways a worker or passerby can suffer from an electrocution at a construction site. Loose wires, malfunctioning equipment, improper installation, overloaded breakers, lack of safety standards, and inclement weather can all lead to a serious electrocution accident. 

High-powered electrocutions can create devastating explosions and cause victims to suffer from electrical shock, severe burns, nerve damage, soft-tissue injuries, brain damage, loss of function, paralysis, and sometimes death.

Respiratory Illness

When workers or other passerby are exposed to harmful construction chemicals or other hazardous materials, the possible effects could be long-lasting. For example, mesothelioma is a rare form of lung cancer which is caused by inhaling asbestos, which is found in many old buildings and many older products used to complete a construction project. 

Since these cases require detailed investigations to prove fault, hiring an experienced attorney is highly recommended for these types of circumstances.

Call a Lawyer You Can Rely On

The construction accident lawyers at Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers understand the difficulties injury victims have to endure when their medical bills accumulate and they are no longer able to return to work. If this sounds similar to your case, your family may also be struggling to figure out what to do. The good news is, we are here to help! 

Our reliable lawyers offer free consultations for construction accident victims in the West Palm Beach area (by appointment only) and there is no need to commit to our firm for legal representation. Let our dedicated team of legal professionals guide you through the complexities of the legal process so you can learn your rights to seeking the compensation you may need for a speedy recovery.

The lawyers at Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers are here to help. Discuss your case at no cost by calling (561) 800-8000.

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