
Motorcycle Accidents

I was twelve when I first rode a motorcycle. It was just a small dirt bike that belonged to an acquaintance, but riding it gave me an incredible sense of freedom. Like many people, I wistfully remember that bike and the joy it gave me.

I still have numerous friends with motorcycles, and I frequently warn them about the dangers they face on the roadways. As an attorney, I know that that danger doesn’t come from road debris or from faulty bikes. Most accidents involving motorcycles happen not because of any fault of the driver of the motorcycle, but because the drivers of cars don’t see the motorcycle. These drivers change lanes into them, stop suddenly, or take other actions that leave the motorcycle driver unable to avoid an accident.

These are riders doing nothing wrong, but who end up with medical bills, damaged property, and even lost wages thanks to negligence by a driver of a car who simply failed to take due care on the roadway. These drivers need to be held accountable for their actions, and they need to compensate victims for the damage they caused.

The other sad truth is that somehow, general perception is against the driver of a motorcycle. Insurance companies often attempt to suggest that motorcycle riders are, by definition, reckless or automatically at fault for an accident. This is obviously not true, and most motorcycle riders not only are well versed in operating and riding their motorcycle, but hey also take extra precautions to make up for negligent driving by those behind the wheel of a car.

Insurance companies often try to leverage this false picture to avoid paying out damages to motorcycle drivers and passengers involved in accidents. This stalling tactic is frustrating for the driver of a motorcycle trying to deal with mounting medical bills and lost wages.

It is also one of the reasons motorcyclists who have been victims of crashes benefit from consulting with the attorneys at Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers. At our law firm, we know the obstacles motorcycle riders face in dealing with insurance companies, and we stand up to those companies to get the compensation victims deserve. We have worked with numerous motorcycle owners who have been involved in crashes and suffered injuries through no fault of their own to get them help – and compensation.

At Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers, we work hard to make sure motorcyclist receive fair treatment. I have seen far too many friends and colleagues bullied into accepting unfair settlements for the simple reason that they were riding a motorcycle, and because they are told that simple fact puts them at blame for an accident they did not cause.

If you or a loved one is a motorcycle driver or passenger, and you have been involved in an accident, call me today for a free consultation. I will discuss your legal options with you, and will work to get you the best possible legal outcome. Call us today at (855) 800-8000 or fill out our online form. We are fluent in Spanish and Creole.

I know how important it is for motorcycle riders injured in an accident to get back on the road, and I will do everything I can to help you get there.

– Steven Frankl

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