
No-Fault Car Insurance Claim and How Does It Work?

If you have ever been involved in a car wreck, then you know how tedious the process can be to file an insurance claim and seek financial help to cover expenses. But what about no-fault states?

No-fault car accident states have different rules when it comes to filing claims. In no-fault states, all parties involved in the accident share the blame and are required to seek help from their own insurance policies. However, you have options if you need more coverage to be fully compensated.

Hiring a legal professional in the Boca Raton, Florida area can help increase your chances of a favorable outcome when you seek compensation to pay off medical bills and sustained damages. Florida personal injury attorneys should thoroughly understand no-fault car insurance and how to negotiate with insurance companies.

What Is a No-Fault Car Insurance Claim?

If you live in a no-fault state, which Florida is, it is a good idea to have no-fault insurance covering your vehicles in case you are ever involved in an accident. No-fault car insurance means that if you were ever involved in an accident, it is your own insurer’s job to cover all or some out-of-pocket expenses even if it was your fault the accident happened. 

No-fault car insurance can also be known as PIP (personal injury protection) and is mostly required in states that operate with no-fault rules. It’s important to note that no-fault car insurance is vastly different from collision insurance and normal insurance policies. For instance, no-fault does not cover theft of car damages from wrecks that leave your car damaged. 

How No-Fault Car Insurance Works

When two people are involved in an accident, they are to file with their own insurers to help cover certain expenses. You may be wondering what PIP, no-fault insurance covers. Luckily, it does help residents in no-fault states have some financial help to cover unprecedented expenses. 

Here is what no-fault insurance covers:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages (from inability to work)
  • Funeral expenses (if you or a passenger were to pass away)

The point of no-fault insurance is to try and limit residents from filing lawsuits against other individuals and to reduce litigation costs. This means that when a person has no-fault insurance, part of the deal is that they will negotiate with their own insurer. However, serious consequences resulting from the accident could merit filing a personal injury claim.

If you experience any of the following injuries, you might be able to seek extra compensation:

  • Loss of life
  • Severe impact on quality of life
  • Dismemberment
  • Loss of a baby

What To Do If You’re Involved in A Car Accident That’s Not Your Fault

Just because Florida is a no-fault state does not mean there are no options if you need additional financial assistance. 

Once you are involved in a car accident in a no-fault state, you should contact your insurance to start the process of redeeming help for your sustained injuries and expenses. Speaking with your insurance will determine how much you will receive in coverage to know if your expenses are fully covered. 

If your accident is severe to the point where you have sustained one of the injuries listed above, you should contact an attorney immediately to begin the process of filing a lawsuit against the at-fault individual to receive additional help. 

Discussing your circumstances with an established lawyer can give you a better understanding of your position and whether you qualify to step out of the bounds of the no-fault system. Every no-fault state has certain restrictions and guidelines for proceeding with a claim, and your Boca Raton car accident lawyer will have the knowledge and experience to help you through the legal process.

Hire A Top-Notch Lawyer to Assist In Your Case

Hiring a Boca Raton car accident lawyer can benefit your no-fault case greatly when trying to seek the compensation you rightfully deserve. Attorneys have in-depth knowledge about Florida’s car accident laws, the statutes of limitations, and possess high-quality negotiation skills to help you. 

A benefit of hiring an attorney is that you will have professional legal guidance every step of the way. Once you hire an attorney to work for you, they will be able to gather the information and begin speaking with the other driver’s insurer on your behalf. The pressure to do it yourself will be lifted because you will have an expert on your side while you focus on healing and recovering.

Your attorney works for you, so they have your best interests in mind throughout the whole case to make sure your side of what happened is fully explained and all the facts are presented. The attorney you choose to hire will also represent you in discussing a settlement, negotiating with the other party’s insurer, and if needed, going to court. 

Laws vary from state to state regarding car accidents, so you’ll want to find an attorney that is licensed in the appropriate state and knowledgeable with that state’s laws. If you are injured in Florida, having an experienced Boca Raton car accident lawyer on your side that knows the complexities of no-fault laws can make the process much easier on your part. To find the right lawyer to work with, start by researching Boca Raton car accident lawyers with high ratings and a lot of experience in the field.

Before selecting an attorney, you should schedule multiple appointments with different attorneys and speak with them directly about their experience, services, qualifications, and how they can best help you in your case. You will know by speaking to these professionals which attorney you should work with and who can help you in the best way. 

Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers Can Handle Your Case

Have you recently been involved in a car crash and need to seek extra compensation? Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers can help you do just that. 

Our attorneys serve the residents of Boca Raton, Florida, and other surrounding areas as their trusted car accident lawyers (by appointment only). It is our mission to protect your legal rights and fight against the wrongdoings of others that have left you injured. 

Our firm has 40 years of experience in the business, which means we possess excellent knowledge on how to help you in a no-fault case. We have a thorough understanding of the legal system in Florida, and bountiful experience handling car accident cases.

Whenever you’re ready to get started building your case and seeking the compensation you deserve with Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers, give us a call at (581) 800-8000. Our line offers 24/7 support, or you can fill out your no-obligation free case evaluation online.

Someone from our firm will get in touch with you about setting up an appointment for your free consultation where you will sit down with us and discuss your case in detail. We will then discuss how we can best assist your case and the next steps we will take. 

You can trust that the attorneys at Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers will be your advocate when seeking the compensation you deserve in all cases regarding personal injury. Contact us at your earliest convenience.

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