
What Evidence Do I Need to Make a Truck Accident Claim?

When you’re in a truck accident, you know you’ve been through something major. Those big rigs pack a punch. Now, you’re faced with injuries, property damage, lost wages, and more. The bills are piling up. You may wonder what evidence you need to file an accident claim and get the compensation you deserve. 

The good news is that some key evidence can help strengthen your case, especially if you act quickly to gather them. We’ll walk through the most important ones step-by-step so you know exactly what you need to prove the trucker’s fault and get the best settlement possible. 

Police Report and Witness Statements

A police report and witness statements are critical evidence for any truck accident claim. The police report will provide important details about the accident, location, time, weather conditions, and details provided by the drivers and witnesses.

The police report should include information from interviews with you, the truck driver, and any other witnesses or individuals involved. Be sure to get the official police report number so you have a record of the incident. Request a copy of the full police report as soon as possible after the accident.

Witness statements provide key accounts of what happened from objective bystanders. Get the names and contact information of any witnesses at the scene of the accident, especially those not directly involved. Follow up with them as soon as you can and ask them to provide a written statement about what they observed. These independent accounts of the events leading up to and details of the crash will strengthen your claim.

Photographic Evidence of Injuries and Vehicle Damage

Taking photos at the scene of the accident and of any resulting injuries can provide crucial evidence for your truck accident claim. Snap pictures of the positions of the vehicles involved, skid marks, debris in the road, and any traffic signs or signals. Get photos of any injuries you sustained as soon as possible after the accident, even if they seem minor. Soft tissue injuries and internal damage may not be apparent until hours or days later.

  • Take wide-angle shots to show the entire scene, as well as close-ups of any damage to your vehicle. Get photos of the other vehicle(s) involved, too, if possible.
  • For injuries, take photos from multiple angles: close-up, mid-range and full body. Include a measuring device like a ruler in the frame to indicate size and scale.
  • Date and time stamp the photos or save them in a file clearly marked with the date of the accident. This verifies when the pictures were taken and establishes a timeline of events.
  • Keep the original digital photo files unedited. Do not delete or alter any photos, as this could be seen as tampering with evidence.
  • Share the photos with your doctor and lawyer. They provide important visual documentation to support medical diagnoses, treatment plans and the merits of your claim.

Photographs taken at the scene of a truck accident and of your resulting injuries can make or break your case. Be sure to take ample photos from different perspectives to capture the full extent of property damage and physical harm and preserve this evidence to build a compelling claim for compensation. The camera doesn’t lie, so let the photos do the talking for you.

Medical Records and Bills to Prove Injuries

To make a successful truck accident claim in Florida, one of the most important pieces of evidence you’ll need are your medical records and bills. These documents will prove that you suffered injuries in the crash and the extent of those injuries.

Injury and Treatment Records

Obtain copies of records from all doctors, hospitals and clinics where you received treatment. These should include notes on your initial diagnosis, test results, prescribed treatments, medications, physical therapy, follow-up visits, etc. The more detailed the records, the better.

Itemized Bills

Request itemized medical bills from all providers. These bills should break down charges for each service, procedure, medication, etc., to show the total cost of your care. Your attorney will use these to calculate the amount owed for your medical expenses.

Ongoing or Future Medical Needs

If your injuries are severe or permanent, get documentation from doctors regarding any ongoing medical needs or treatments you may require in the future. This could include physical therapy, counseling, medication, mobility aids, home health care, or other life care plans. These documents will help determine the total value of your claim.

Release of Information Forms

Sign a release of information forms so your doctors and hospitals can share your private medical details with your attorney. Your attorney will need access to this information to build your case, so be sure to provide the proper authorization.

The total costs of your medical care, combined with records proving the cause and severity of your injuries, create a solid foundation for seeking compensation in your truck accident claim. While gathering this evidence may seem tedious, it is essential for achieving maximum recovery for your losses. With the right documentation in hand, you’ll be in the best position to prove your claim and fight for the settlement you deserve.

Documentation of Lost Income and Other Damages

To recover the damages from your truck accident, you’ll need evidence to prove what those losses are. Keep records of everything related to your injuries, treatment, and time away from work.

You’ll want proof of lost wages if you miss time at your job. Get statements from your employer verifying your normal pay rate and the specific days or hours you missed. If you’re self-employed, provide tax returns and financial statements to show your average income.

Medical records, bills, and receipts are must-haves. Keep notes from doctor visits, physical therapy appointments, and any counseling or medication. Your health insurance claims and out-of-pocket costs are also important. Don’t throw anything away – you never know what might be useful!

Expenses for things like hiring help around the house, child care, transportation to medical appointments, and vehicle repairs or rentals should be documented, too. Keep receipts or have the service providers furnish written statements of the services rendered and fees charged.

A personal injury claim can take time to resolve, so start gathering evidence as early as possible. Stay organized by keeping everything together in files or labeled storage boxes. The more thorough you are, the stronger your case will be. While it may seem tedious, the documentation you collect could mean the difference between receiving fair compensation or coming up short. Your evidence paves the way to recovery.

Reach Out To an Experienced West Palm Beach Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been in an accident with a commercial truck in West Palm, Florida, the most important thing you can do is contact an experienced truck accident lawyer serving West Palm Beach right away. At Frankl Kominsky, we have years of experience handling truck accident cases in West Palm Beach and throughout the state. We understand how devastating these crashes can be, and we make it a top priority to help our clients obtain full compensation for their injuries and other losses.

Focus on recovering from your injuries. Let us handle the legal aspects of your case so you can focus on getting well. We’ll determine who is liable for your accident and pursue the maximum compensation on your behalf.

A truck accident lawsuit can be extremely complicated. Having skilled legal counsel in your corner from the start will make all the difference in obtaining fair compensation. Call Frankl Kominsky today at (561) 800-8000 for a free case review with an attorney. We have the experience, resources and determination to stand up to large trucking companies and their insurance providers. 

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