During the month of August, back to school activities are in full swing. As a parent, my number one priority for my children is to ensure their safety. This is why I would like to talk about bullying.
Bullying can happen anywhere, on the playground, in the classroom, on the school bus, or even online. It’s hard to know what to do when you suspect bullying behavior, however, no one knows your child better than you. Trust them and have a confidence in your instincts. If you think something isn’t right, you are probably correct.
Be active with your children, make your children feel empowered to do something if they see someone being bullied. Empower your children with the knowledge that it is ok to come forward. Children are often reluctant to say something because they feel ashamed, embarrassed or afraid.
It is important to take time to listen to the answers. Respond in a comforting way by nodding or encouraging the child to continue the conversation. Let your kids know that you are listening and watching and that you are going to intervene, and you are not going to tolerate this type of behavior. Assess the situation and determine what your child needs to feel safe. Speak out and let the school authorities, teacher, bus drivers, school counselors know. Your child should never be afraid to go to school.
Ethan Kominsky