Steps to Take After a Spinal Cord Injury in Florida

Sustaining a serious spinal cord injury can often have debilitating effects on individuals and their families. Severe spinal cord damage could cause victims to suffer long-term ailments, which can sometimes be permanent. Victims have been known to suffer from a multitude of health problems and disabilities, such as chronic pain, mobility issues, and paralysis. 

Besides dealing with the stress and difficulties of a painful recovery process, victims who suffer a serious spinal cord injury are often left with hefty medical bills that may not be covered by insurance. In addition, lost income from missing work during your recovery could leave you not knowing where to turn. If your spinal cord injury was sustained in an accident that was the result of another’s negligence, you could be eligible to seek financial compensation. Discussing your spinal cord injury claim with a licensed lawyer may be crucial to pursue the adequate funds you need for a strong recovery. 

At the law office of Frank & Kominsky, our award-winning attorneys have in-depth knowledge and experience working with serious injury law, including cases involving spinal cord injuries. We offer complimentary, first-time evaluations to spinal cord injury victims to discuss their unique situations with no obligation to proceed through the legal process.

It is important to understand the steps you should take after sustaining a spinal cord injury. Taking these steps could help you validate your claim and preserve your physical and financial well-being for the future.  

What to Do After Sustaining a Spinal Cord Injury

Serious injury law in Florida is designed to help protect the rights of injury victims by allowing them to hold negligent parties liable for damages in the event of an accident. However, there are certain steps you need to take to ensure these rights are protected:

Step 1: See a Doctor

The first thing you should do after sustaining a spinal cord injury is see a doctor for a medical evaluation. Even the slightest injury can worsen over time and getting checked by a medical professional could help prevent some injuries from worsening. If you choose to avoid medical attention, the insurance company may deny or delay your injury claim and you will have difficulty obtaining the compensation you may deserve.

Step 2: Report the Accident

Depending on what caused your spinal cord injury, it is highly recommended that you report your accident to the proper authorities, if possible. For instance, if the injury was the result of a car crash, you should notify the local police immediately and obtain a copy of the report. If your spinal cord injury was caused by a slip and fall on another person’s property, you should report it to the property owner or business manager. If your injury was the result of negligence on public property or by a government worker, you may need to file a claim against the government agency responsible for the accident. If you fail to report the accident, it is your word against the defendant’s, which means you may not be able to earn the compensation you are seeking for lack of proof. 

Step 3: Save Evidence

If you plan to pursue compensation to cover your spinal cord injury costs, you will need to provide concrete evidence which shows proof of your injury and how it occurred. Your lawyer can inform you about what evidence you need and how to obtain it. For example, medical reports (CT Scans, X-rays, MRI’s), healthcare bills, pictures of your injuries and the area where the accident took place, accident reports, and any other evidence that may back your claim is all evidence that could help your case. We also recommend keeping a personal journal noting the times you suffered physically and psychologically, as this can sometimes be submitted as evidence for your pain and suffering. If you choose not to keep a journal, you may forget some of the trials and tribulations you endured after the accident and during the recovery process. It is crucial to save and preserve these valuable pieces of evidence if you plan to pursue the full amount of compensation you may need for a speedy recovery. 

Step 4: Record Witness Information

Sometimes witnesses can provide valuable statements about what they saw in the events leading up to an accident. This includes accidents that result in spinal cord damage. Be sure to record all witness contact information, including names and phone numbers. If possible, ask permission to record a video witness statement with your cell phone. Your lawyer can also contact the witnesses later on or ask them to testify in court, should your case go to trial. Witness statements can sometimes hold significant weight in cases involving serious injury law.

Step 5: Talk to an Attorney

Talking to an attorney before settling your spinal cord injury claim could make a significant difference in the amount of compensation you recover. Accident victims who hire legal representation usually have better chances of recovering the adequate amount of compensation they need, compared to those who decide to handle cases on their own. If your claim is viable, an experienced attorney can accurately determine what your claim is worth. He or she can then negotiate with the insurance companies on your behalf and fight for your rights to pursue the fair amount of compensation you may deserve. 

Schedule a No-Cost Consultation Today

Recovering from a spinal cord injury can be extremely difficult, especially if you can no longer return to work or keep up with medical bills and other expenses. Whether you were injured in a vehicle collision, slip and fall, or some other accident that was caused by negligence, you may be eligible for funds to cover any costs or financial losses related to the incident. 

The attorneys of Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers are here to help you learn about your legal options so that you can hold negligent parties accountable for your spinal cord injury. Our reputable firm aims to ensure all injury victims in the community are given a fair chance to seek justice for their damages. 

Our main office is located in Boynton Beach at 2240 Woolbright Road, Suite 201, which is only 2.5 miles away from Bethesda Hospital East. Schedule a no-cost consultation to learn whether you qualify for financial compensation. There is no obligation to hire our firm and your information is always kept completely confidential.

Call Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers at (561) 800-8000 anytime, 24/7, or chat with an online representative

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