
Symptoms of a Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injuries can sometimes have debilitating effects that could lead to temporary or permanent mobility issues, disabilities, neurological issues, and excruciating pain and suffering. Accident victims who sustain severe spinal cord damage could require a lifetime of medical treatments, including physical therapy, rehabilitation, speech therapy, psychological care, and at-home care. This is why it is critical to quickly identify the common symptoms often associated with a spinal cord injury.

If you or someone you love sustained a spinal cord injury in an accident caused by the negligence of another in the Boynton Beach area, financial compensation could be available to cover your damages. Call Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers at (561) 800-8000 to learn your rights to seek funds to pay for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income if you missed work, and property damage. Our reputable firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of injury victims in the Boynton Beach area and throughout the state of Florida (by appointment). Set up a complimentary, first-time evaluation with a licensed lawyer from our firm today, so you can pursue the full amount of compensation you may legally deserve. 

Our seasoned attorneys have more than four decades of combined legal experience working with serious injury law, which includes cases involving spinal cord injuries. Having a trustworthy lawyer from our firm on your side means your rights to seek the full amount of financial compensation are protected. If your spinal cord injury claim has merit, we could help investigate the details of the incident and negotiate with insurers on your behalf to seek the funds you may need to make a full recovery.

Read on to learn more about what signs and symptoms to look out for to detect a spinal cord injury. Discovering spinal cord damage in its early stages could be crucial to preventing long-term health problems and expensive medical care. 

What is a Spinal Cord Injury?

If you suspect a spinal cord injury, the first thing you should do is seek immediate medical attention. Having a doctor check your spinal cord injury could help prevent it from worsening or causing permanent damage. If you wish to file a personal injury claim against the party that caused your injuries, the insurance companies involved may deny your claim if you failed to seek medical attention when you initially discovered your injuries.

A spinal cord injury can include any damage to the spine, including vertebrae, disks, ligaments or nerves at the end of the spinal canal. This type of injury can often cause temporary or permanent loss of sensation, strength, and bodily functions. 

The severity of a spinal cord injury is often referred to as the “completeness of the injury,” which is usually broken down into two categories:

Complete injury – is when all sensory or motor function is lost below the spinal cord injury. This means a complete inability for movement below the affected area.

Incomplete injury – is when you have some sensory or motor function below the spinal cord injury. The severity of an incomplete spinal cord injury can vary, depending on the circumstances. 

A severe spinal cord injury can sometimes negatively affect a person physically, emotionally, and even socially. On the other hand, many spinal cord injury victims are able to lead productive and independent lives with the help of science and technological improvements in medicine. However, if you and your lawyer can prove that your spinal cord injury has prevented you from performing your normal daily activities, you could be eligible to seek financial support. 

Common Symptoms of Spinal Cord Damage

Spinal cord injuries can vary in severity, depending on the location of the damages to the spine. Damages to the upper spine usually result in more symptoms, such as: 

  • Respiratory issues
  • Nerve damage
  • Distorted vertebrae
  • Damaged muscles
  • Affected bladder and bowel systems
  • Loss of sensation, including the inability to feel cold, heat or touch

Since no two spinal cord injuries are the same, they can often vary in severity. Some symptoms of severe spinal cord damage may also include one more of the following:

  • Radiating pain
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle twitching
  • Tingling, numbness or loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, feet, or toes
  • Loss of balance or difficulty walking
  • Loss of feeling in the lower parts of the body
  • Issues with sexual function, fertility, or sensitivity
  • Paralysis in any part of the body

Severe spinal cord injuries can sometimes cause temporary or permanent nerve damage and diseases like paraplegia, which can cause paralysis in certain lower parts of the body. Even worse, serious spinal cord damage can result in quadriplegia, which causes loss of limb function. Victims of these conditions could be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of their lives while undergoing expensive medical treatments, difficult rehabilitation sessions, and psychological/emotional therapy. 

If you or your loved one has experienced any of the above symptoms, it is crucial to get checked by a medical professional followed by contacting a licensed lawyer who has experience working with spinal cord injury cases. Since you only have a limited amount of time to file a valid personal injury claim in Florida, your efforts to pursue financial compensation could be denied by the insurance companies involved or the court if you wait too long to file your claim. 

What Causes Spinal Cord Injuries?

There are numerous ways a spinal cord injury can occur. However, these are the most common causes we have seen:

  • Car accidents 
  • Slip and falls
  • Truck crashes
  • Pedestrian accidents 
  • Medical malpractice
  • Motorcycle crashes
  • Construction accidents
  • Defective products
  • Bicycle accidents

Whether your spinal cord injury was the result of any of the above or something similar, discussing your situation with a knowledgeable attorney is highly recommended. You could qualify for monetary compensation to cover your damages, including funds for your future needs related to your injuries. 

Call a Lawyer With a Proven Track Record

Dealing with the symptoms of a serious spinal cord injury can be life-changing for victims and their loved ones. Hefty medical bills, loss of income, pain and suffering, and property damage can often leave victims not knowing where to turn. This is why it is important to seek justice and hold the at-fault party accountable for your damages. 

Call Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers to set up a free, first-time consultation to learn your legal rights to seek compensation. Our distinguished lawyers have more than 40 years of combined legal experience practicing serious injury law, while handling more than 6,000 cases combined. We have garnered over $100 million combined in successful settlements and verdicts on behalf of our past clientele. We also have received more than 600-plus, five-star reviews, so you can see how our past clients appreciate our work.

There is no obligation needed to continue working with us, even after your free consultation, so there is no risk in contacting our firm today. Come in to our office for an in-person claim evaluation or start the process from the comfort and safety of your own home by filling out a free claim evaluation form. You also have the convenient option to chat with one of our helpful online representatives and ask any questions you may have regarding your spinal cord injury claim. 

Call Frankl Kominsky Injury Lawyers at (561) 800-8000 or fill out a free online form to get started.

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